Book Review – Nothing to See Here

Nothing to See Here By Kevin Wilson

Alright, been heavy on the Kevin Wilson lately. But that’s what I do when I enjoy a book, I go back to the same author until I either get bored with it or run out of stuff to read. In Kevin Wilson’s case, I just ran out of books. I love his weird shit.

So this one is about a couple of roommates at an elite boarding school, one is a rich girl who had everything handed to her and the other had to scratch and claw for everything she’s gotten. Some stuff happens and then some more stuff and they find themselves drifted apart. Then they catch up later on in life and more stuff happens. Sorry, but it’s hard to talk about this book without giving up spoilers. Oh, and something I forgot to mention, the rich girl’s kids start on fire. Like they burst into flame when they get pissed. Not a metaphor. They flame like a hillbilly dumping gasoline on a bonfire. So yeah, Kevin Wilson = weirdness.
This is a really really good book.

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